Car drivers in many countries benefit from substantial fiscal incentives when purchasing electric vehicles. Fiscal support is provided to accelerate the adoption of zero-emission vehicles and contribute to the goal of carbon neutrality by the mid-century. However, promoting electric cars has not been without controversy and several governments have recently cut back their incentives. The webinar explored the opportunities and pitfalls of fiscal incentives for the shift toward electric mobility, with a focus in the cases of Norway, USA and Belgium.
Askill H. Halse, Institute of Transport Economics (TØI), Norway
Askill H. Halse is chief research economist at the Institute of Transport Economics (TØI) in Norway. He has worked on several different topics within transport and economics, including the value of travel time, CBA assumptions, use of CBA in decision-making, car taxation and vehicle electrification policies. He has also studied the role of geographic interests in electoral systems and their impact on voter and politician behavior.
Laurent Franckx, Federal Planning Bureau, Belgium
Laurent Franckx is an economist specializing in transport and environmental economics. As a member of the Energy and Transport team at the Belgian Federal Planning Bureau, he is mainly responsible for modelling the composition of the car fleet, and how it is affected by tax incentives. Besides, he studies the impact of new technological developments (such as self-driving cars) and transportation business models (such as shared mobility) on transport demand in Belgium, and on the attractiveness of the various modes of transport.
Tamara Sheldon, University of South Carolina, USA
Tamara Sheldon is an associate professor of economics in the Darla Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina. Her research interests include environmental and energy economics and how these fields interact with public policy. She has analyzed various EV incentives in numerous countries. She has done work for the California EPA analyzing EV incentives, some of which has been cited in Californian legislation.
Patrick Lenain, Council on Economic Policies
Patrick Lenain is a Senior Associate with CEP. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Economics at Université de Paris-Est Créteil and teaches corporate social responsibility at EM-Normandie business school. Patrick worked for 23 years at the OECD, leading policy-advice work on taxes, public finances, inequality and climate change. Patrick also worked for the International Monetary Fund in several senior positions, as well as at the European Commission and the French Treasury.