Launched in October 2023 by the Council on Economic Policies (CEP) and the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), the Tax Expenditures Lab is:
- A hub providing EXPERTISE and in-depth analysis on tax expenditures worldwide.
- A platform hosting key DATABASES and other RESOURCES in the tax expenditure field, in particular the Global Tax Expenditures Database (GTED) and the Global Tax Expenditures Transparency Index (GTETI).
- A lab for exchange and peer learning, designed for tax practitioners engaged in tax expenditure POLICYMAKING and researchers seeking to strengthen the evidence-base of tax expenditure reform.
Cooperating with partners and expanding the community
The Council on Economic Policies, based in Zurich, is an international nonprofit, nonpartisan economic policy think tank for sustainability, focused on fiscal, monetary and trade policy. The German Institute of Development and Sustainability is one of the leading research institutions and think tanks for global development and cooperation. Located in Bonn, IDOS work is based on the interplay between research, policy advice and training.
CEP and IDOS are engaged in several collaborative projects with international organisations, research centres and governments, including the Addis Tax Initiative (ATI), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Centre for Tax Analysis in Developing Countries (TaxDev), and others.
Do you want to engage with the Tax Expenditures Lab? Contact us: [email protected]